Seven Areas Of Advocacy For Reproductive Health Organizations

Seven Areas Of Advocacy For Reproductive Health Organizations

Seven Areas Of Advocacy For Reproductive Health Organizations

8 February 2022
Government & Politics, Blog

If you're interested in learning more about what reproductive health organizations do, you should familiarize yourself with the various areas of advocacy that these organizations focus on. 

Reproductive health organizations fight for various reproductive rights and endeavor to make available certain reproductive services. The following are seven areas of advocacy for reproductive health organizations. 

Sexually transmitted disease treatment

One of the most important issues in reproductive health is sexually transmitted disease detection and treatment. Reproductive health organizations advocate for easy access to STD testing as well as treatment for STDs. 

Many STD treatments are costly and not all Americans enjoy health insurance coverage. Reproductive health organizations often fight for affordable access to these treatments for all Americas regardless of their financial situation. 

Access to contraception

Contraception is essential for effective family planning and control over one's reproductive health. Reproductive health organizations advocate for access to affordable contraception to avoid unwanted pregnancies that could put a financial strain on individuals or compromise their health. 

Abortion rights and access to abortion services

Abortion is another important issue when it comes to reproductive health. Reproductive health organizations generally advocate against legislation that reduces abortion rights or limits access to abortion services. 

Maternity and paternity leave

Many American parents struggle to take time off of work to care for newborn children. An inability to take off work after the birth of a child can make parenting more stressful and compromise the financial stability and health of young families. 

Reproductive health organizations work to remedy this problem by advocating for more parental leave rights for both men and women. 

Maternal healthcare

Access to maternal healthcare is complicated for many mothers who fall into a low-income bracket. Reproductive health organizations work to make maternal healthcare more accessible and affordable for those who are raising children on a limited income or have inadequate health insurance coverage. 

Infertility treatment access

Another important area when it comes to reproductive rights is access to infertility treatments. There are still some limitations and challenges in terms of who is eligible for infertility treatments and how such treatments are paid for.

Reproductive health organizations work to make infertility treatments available to more people and more widely covered under health insurance policies. 

Sexuality education

Providing sexuality education is important for maximizing reproductive health among the general public. Reproductive health organizations advocate for easy access to information on all areas of reproductive health including fertility, parental care, sexually transmitted disease prevention, and more. 

For more information, contact an organization such as New Voices for Reproductive Justice.

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