When to Dial for Help: Making the Call to Emergency Services

When to Dial for Help: Making the Call to Emergency Services

When to Dial for Help: Making the Call to Emergency Services

29 September 2023
Government & Politics, Blog

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you're not sure if it's an emergency? It can be tough to judge. After all, you don't want to tie up resources if it's not necessary. But here's the thing: when in doubt, it's better to make the call. Explore what constitutes calling for emergency services.

Know the Signs: Medical Emergencies

If someone's experiencing these symptoms, don't hesitate to call:

  • Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
  • Chest or upper abdominal pain
  • Fainting, sudden dizziness, weakness
  • Changes in vision
  • Confusion or changes in mental function
  • Any sudden or severe pain
  • Uncontrolled bleeding
  • If you experience a severe or escalating reaction to an insect bite or sting, it is crucial to seek immediate medical attention.
  • Severe or worsening allergic reaction
  • Burns or smoke inhalation
  • Suspected poisoning

The key is immediate attention. Don't wait to see if things get better. Time can be critical.

Red Flags: Fire Emergencies

Notice smoke or flames? It's time to dial those three numbers. Even if you think it's small and manageable, it's safer to have professionals on the way. Fires can spread quickly and unpredictably.

Danger Lurks: Crime Emergencies

If there's a crime happening, you've got to call it in. Whether it's a break-in, assault, or anything else that puts people's safety at risk, don't second guess — just call.

Not Just for Humans: Animal Emergencies

See an animal in distress? That's another reason to call. Whether it's a pet stuck in a hot car or wildlife caught in a trap, emergency services can help or direct you to someone who can.

What Isn't an Emergency?

Now, not everything warrants a call to emergency services. For instance, if you've got a minor cut that's not bleeding heavily, you can probably handle it with your home first aid kit. Or, if there's a power outage, your local utility company is the one to call.

Who You Gonna Call: Non-Emergency Numbers

Many cities have non-emergency numbers you can call for situations that aren't urgent but still require professional attention. This might include reporting a crime that happened earlier, like theft from your car or a minor car accident where no one's injured.

Remember, it's better to be safe than sorry. If you're ever unsure whether something's an emergency, don't hesitate to call. The professionals on the other end of the line can assess the situation and advise you on what to do next. Emergency services are there to help, so don't be afraid to use them when you need to.

For more info about emergency services, contact a local company. 

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A Deep Dive Into Government and Politics

Many people were taught, when they were young, not to discuss politics in polite company. There is some advantage to this approach. It tends to minimize arguments and encourage discussions in which everyone is calm and happy. However, when you don't talk about government and politics, you have a harder time learning what others really think about these topics. Talking about these subjects allows you to expand your horizons and adjust your own point of view. You can learn more about government and politics on this blog. Then, you'll be more prepared to have what can be difficult conversations about these topics.
